
Senior Project - Spring 2019
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      1 % C.P.M.S. (Curricular Proposal Management System)
      2 % Mid-Assessment
      3 % March 26, 2019
      5 # Proposed Goals
      7 * Backup System
      8     * [x] Create backup script.
      9     * [ ] Implement onto AWS server.
     10 * Database
     11     * [x] ER Diagram.
     12     * [x] Schema Diagram.
     13     * [x] SQL code.
     14     * [x] Integrate into management system.
     15 * Front End
     16     * [x] Designs for each web page.
     17     * [ ] HTML implementation of designs.
     18     * [ ] CSS implementation.
     19 * Web Back-end
     20     * [x] Set up flask server with required MySQL dependencies.
     21     * [ ] Python code to handle each database query. (In progress)
     22     * [ ] Interface with new proposal system.
     23 * File Management
     24     * [x] File uploads.
     25     * [ ] Rename / Convert / Save files onto server. (Still finalizing image conversion)
     26     * [x] Add files to database.
     27     * [ ] Download files.
     29 # Assigned Tasks
     31 * Alaina - Front end design / layout.
     32 * John - Implement backup script on AWS server. Back-end Python code
     33 * Alex - Implement document conversion for required formats (doc, docx, png, jpg).
     34 * Jeff - File downloading. Flask blueprint.
     35 * Kyle - Implementation of front end designs.
     36 * Josh - File versions / ordering, and database calls on ‘Assemble’ page.