
Data Structures & Algorithms - Spring 2018
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MyBinarySearchTree.java (5398B)

      1 package lab11;
      3 public class MyBinarySearchTree<T extends KeyedItem<KT>,
      4         KT extends Comparable<? super KT>>
      5         extends BinaryTreeBasis<T> {
      6     // inherits isEmpty(), makeEmpty(), getRootItem(), and
      7     // the use of the constructors from BinaryTreeBasis
      9     public MyBinarySearchTree() {
     10     }  // end default constructor
     12     public MyBinarySearchTree(T rootItem) {
     13         super(rootItem);
     14     }  // end constructor
     16     public void setRootItem(T newItem)
     17             throws UnsupportedOperationException {
     18         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
     19     }  // end setRootItem
     21     public void insert(T newItem) {
     22         root = insertItem(root, newItem);
     23     }  // end insert
     25     public T retrieve(KT searchKey) {
     26         TreeNode<T> tempTree = root;
     27         int compare;
     28         while (tempTree != null) {
     29             compare = searchKey.compareTo(tempTree.getItem().getKey());
     30             if (compare < 0) {
     31                 tempTree = tempTree.getLeftChild();
     32             }
     33             else if (compare > 0) {
     34                 tempTree = tempTree.getRightChild();
     35             }
     36             else {
     37                 return tempTree.getItem();
     38             }
     39         }
     40         return null;
     41     }  // end retrieve
     43     public void delete(KT searchKey) throws TreeException {
     44         root = deleteItem(root, searchKey);
     45     }  // end delete
     47     public void delete(T item) throws TreeException {
     48         root = deleteItem(root, item.getKey());
     49     }  // end delete
     51     protected TreeNode<T> insertItem(TreeNode<T> tNode,
     52                                      T newItem) {
     53         TreeNode<T> newSubtree;
     54         if (tNode == null) {
     55             // position of insertion found; insert after leaf
     56             // create a new node
     57             tNode = new TreeNode<T>(newItem, null, null);
     58             return tNode;
     59         }  // end if
     60         T nodeItem = tNode.getItem();
     62         // search for the insertion position
     64         if (newItem.getKey().compareTo(nodeItem.getKey()) < 0) {
     65             // search the left subtree
     66             newSubtree = insertItem(tNode.getLeftChild(), newItem);
     67             tNode.setLeftChild(newSubtree);
     68             return tNode;
     69         }
     70         else { // search the right subtree
     71             newSubtree = insertItem(tNode.getRightChild(), newItem);
     72             tNode.setRightChild(newSubtree);
     73             return tNode;
     74         }  // end if
     75     }  // end insertItem
     78     protected TreeNode<T> deleteItem(TreeNode<T> tNode,
     79                                      KT searchKey) {
     80         // Calls: deleteNode.
     81         TreeNode<T> newSubtree;
     82         if (tNode == null) {
     83             throw new TreeException("TreeException: Item not found");
     84         }
     85         else {
     86             T nodeItem = tNode.getItem();
     87             if (searchKey.compareTo(nodeItem.getKey()) == 0) {
     88                 // item is in the root of some subtree
     89                 tNode = deleteNode(tNode);  // delete the item
     90             }
     91             // else search for the item
     92             else if (searchKey.compareTo(nodeItem.getKey()) < 0) {
     93                 // search the left subtree
     94                 newSubtree = deleteItem(tNode.getLeftChild(), searchKey);
     95                 tNode.setLeftChild(newSubtree);
     96             }
     97             else { // search the right subtree
     98                 newSubtree = deleteItem(tNode.getRightChild(), searchKey);
     99                 tNode.setRightChild(newSubtree);
    100             }  // end if
    101         }  // end if
    102         return tNode;
    103     }  // end deleteItem
    105     protected TreeNode<T> deleteNode(TreeNode<T> tNode) {
    106         // Algorithm note: There are four cases to consider:
    107         //   1. The tNode is a leaf.
    108         //   2. The tNode has no left child.
    109         //   3. The tNode has no right child.
    110         //   4. The tNode has two children.
    111         // Calls: findLeftmost and deleteLeftmost
    112         T replacementItem;
    114         // test for a leaf
    115         if ( (tNode.getLeftChild() == null) &&
    116                 (tNode.getRightChild() == null) ) {
    117             return null;
    118         }  // end if leaf
    120         // test for no left child
    121         else if (tNode.getLeftChild() == null) {
    122             return tNode.getRightChild();
    123         }  // end if no left child
    125         // test for no right child
    126         else if (tNode.getRightChild() == null) {
    127             return tNode.getLeftChild();
    128         }  // end if no right child
    130         // there are two children:
    131         // retrieve and delete the inorder successor
    132         else {
    133             replacementItem = findLeftmost(tNode.getRightChild());
    134             tNode.setItem(replacementItem);
    135             tNode.setRightChild(deleteLeftmost(tNode.getRightChild()));
    136             return tNode;
    137         }  // end if
    138     }  // end deleteNode
    140     protected T findLeftmost(TreeNode<T> tNode)  {
    141         TreeNode<T> tempNode = tNode;
    142         if (tempNode != null) {
    143             while (tempNode.getLeftChild() != null) {
    144                 tempNode = tNode.getLeftChild();
    145             }
    146         }
    147             return tempNode.getItem();
    148     }  // end findLeftmost
    150     protected TreeNode<T> deleteLeftmost(TreeNode<T> tNode) {
    151         if (tNode.getLeftChild() == null) {
    152             return tNode.getRightChild();
    153         }
    154         else {
    155             tNode.setLeftChild(deleteLeftmost(tNode.getLeftChild()));
    156             return tNode;
    157         }  // end if
    158     }  // end deleteLeftmost
    160 }  // end MyBinarySearchTree